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Journal articles

Zanasi, A., and Ruini, F. (2018). IT-induced Cognitive Biases in Intelligence Analysis: Big Data Analytics and Serious Games.
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 8(3), 438-450 [pdf] [bib]

Zanasi, A., Ruini, F., and Bonzio, A. (2017), Intelligence Analysts’ Training through Serious Games: the LEILA Project.
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 7(3), 380-389 [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2009), Extending the Evolutionary Robotics Approach to Flying Machines: an Application to MAV Teams.
Neural Networks, 22(5-6), 812-821 [pdf] [bib]

Book chapters

Ruini, F., Petrosino, G., Saglimbeni, F., and Parisi, D. (2010), The Strategic Level and the Tactical Level of Behaviour. In Gray, J. and Nefti-Meziani, S. (eds.)
Advances in Cognitive Systems, IET Publisher, Herts, UK, pp. 271-299 [pdf] [bib]

Conference proceedings

Zanasi, A., and Ruini, F. (in press). Cyberdefence: EC-funded research. In
Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyber Defence - Building a Rapid Response.

Laudy, C., Ruini, F., Zanasi, A., Przybyszewski, M., and Stachowicz, A. (2017), Using Social Media in Crisis Management. SOTERIA Fusion Center for Managing Information Gaps. In Proceedings of FUSION 2017,
20th International Conference on Information Fusion (pp. 1855-1862) [pdf] [bib]

Hauert, S., Leven, S., Varga, M., Ruini, F., Cangelosi, A., Zufferey, J.-C., and Floreano, D. (2011), Reynolds Flocking in Reality with Fixed-Wing Robots: Communication Range vs. Flight Dynamics. In
Proceedings of IROS 2011, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 5015-5020) [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2010), An Evolutionary Robotics 3D Model for Autonomous MAVs Navigation, Target Tracking and Group Coordination. In
Proceedings of IJCNN 2010, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (pp. 760-767) [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2010), An Incremental Approach to the Evolutionary Design of Autonomous Controllers for Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In
Proceedings of TAROS 2010, 11th Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (pp. 239-246) [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., Cangelosi, A., and Zetule, F. (2009), Individual and Cooperative Tasks performed by MAV Teams driven by Embodied Neural Network Controllers. In
Proceedings of IJCNN 2009, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (pp. 2717-2724) [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2009), Evolutionary Multi-Agent Systems as a Methodology for Developing Autonomous Controllers for MAV Teams. In
Proceedings of KIMAS 2009, International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2009), Un modello 3D di robotica evolutiva per lo sviluppo di controller autonomi per robot volanti. In Miglino, O., Ponticorvo, M., Rega, A., Rubinacci, F. (eds.),
Modelli, sistemi e applicazioni di Vita Artificiale e Computazione Evolutiva. Atti del VI Workshop Italiano di Vita Artificiale e Computazione Evolutiva (WIVACE 2009), FEU - Fridericiana Edizioni Universitarie, Naples, Italy, pp. 177-185 [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2008), Distributed Control in Multi-Agent Systems: A Preliminary Model of Autonomous MAV Swarms. In
Proceedings of FUSION 2008, Eleventh International Conference on Information Fusion (pp. 1043-1050) [pdf] [bib]


Huisman, J., Botezatu, I., Herreras, L., Liddane, M., Hintsa, J., Luda di Cortemiglia, V., Leroy, P., Vermeersch, E., Mohanty, S., van den Brink, S., Ghenciu, B., Dimitrova, D., Nash, E., Shryane, T., Wieting, M., Kehoe, J., Baldé, C.P., Magalini, F., Zanasi, A., Ruini, F., Männistö, T., and Bonzio, A. (2015). Countering WEEE Illegal Trade (CWIT) Summary Report, Market Assessment, Legal Analysis, Crime Analysis and Recommendations Roadmap [
pdf] [bib]

Leva, A., De Santis, D., Vallerotonda, R., Bichi, B., Di Pietro, A., Brugnoli, A., Ruini, F., Filisetti, A., Burani, N., Coppola, N., Pirozzi, M., Puri, D., and Ariano, E. (2015). Il monitoraggio dei mass media in materia di salute e sicurezza. Strumenti per la raccolta e l’analisi delle informazioni [
pdf] [bib]

SECRET project consortium. (2015). White paper - Security of railways against electromagnetic attacks [
pdf] [bib]

CloudCERT project consortium. (2013). Results of CloudCERT - Testbed framework to exercise Critical Infrastructure Protection [
pdf] [bib]

Peer-reviewed abstracts

Ruini, F., Apel, J. K., Morse, A. F., Cangelosi, A., Ellis, R., Goslin, J., and Fischer, M. (2012), Towards a Bio-Inspired Cognitive Architecture for Short-Term Memory in Humanoid Robots. In
Advances in Autonomous Robotics. Joint Proceedings of the 13th Annual TAROS Conference and the 15th Annual FIRA RoboWorld Congress, Springer Berlin Heidlberg, Berlin, Germany, pp. 453-454 [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2010), Intelligent Autonomous Controllers Based on Genetically Evolved Neural Networks for Flying Robots: Experiments in Two and Three Dimensions. In
Proceedings of PCCAT 2010, Postgraduate Conference for Computing: Applications and Theory [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2008), Evolutionary Algorithm Based Neural Network Controllers: an Application to MAV Swarms. In
Proceedings of WIVACE 2008, V Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Parisi, D. (2008), Selective Attention in Artificial Organisms. In Bullock, S., Noble, J., Watson, R., and Bedau, M. A. (eds.),
Proceedings of ALIFE XI, Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, p. 799 [pdf] [bib]

Ruini, F., and Parisi, D. (2007), Vivere in un ambiente che contiene cibo e predatori. In
Proceedings of WIVACE 2007, IV Italian Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation [pdf] [bib]


Ruini, F., and Cangelosi, A. (2010), An Incremental Approach to the Evolutionary Design of Autonomous Controllers for Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Presented during
TAROS 2010, 11th Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems [pdf]

Ruini, F. (2009), Autonomous Controllers Based on Neural Networks for Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles: an Evolutionary Robotics Approach. Presented during the
Inaugural Meeting of the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems at the University of Plymouth, UK [pdf]

Ph.D. thesis

Ruini, F. (2011), Distributed Control for Collective Behaviour in Micro-unmanned Aerial Vehicles. University of Plymouth, UK [
pdf] [bib]

M.Sc. thesis (Italian)

Ruini, F. (2007), La motivazione come determinante del comportamento di organismi artificiali: una simulazione di Artificial Life. Universita’ degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy [
pdf] [bib]

B.Sc. thesis (Italian)

Ruini, F. (2004), L’integrazione di un modulo per la condivisione di Students’ Notes all’interno del portale LMS Moodle. Universita’ degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy [
pdf] [sources]
